Sunday 28 September 2014

Barefoot Players

So I realised today I have been acting with the theatre group The Barefoot Players for about 3 nearly 4 years now . Which is a very long time and in that time I have been involved in about 18 shows with them - which is a lot .

Our most recent production was performed on 14th September 2014 for the Lindfield Arts Festival . It was a original piece written by my friend Ellie called the Last of Eden . The first act took place in WW1 and told the story of how poet William Keating lost his sight in  a mustard gas attack and his relationship with fellow soldier Anthony Ryder . In a time where being gay was frowned upon it explored some strong issues and had some beautiful poems recited a well . I played Nurse Grace Graves in the Lindfield Red Cross hospital who helped William come to terms with his being blind and writing his poetry as well . Other characters included Mrs Hooper played by my friend Sarah the hospital Administrator, William Keating the blind poet  played by Morgan   and Anthony Ryder his  other half  played by Andy . It was a quite a tough character to play , she went form being happy to angry to empathetic , but I  think I did ok in the end . I loved the WW1 nurses costume especially the cape and feel as though everyone was strong in different ways .

Act 2 took place 100 years later in the Summer of 2014 at the Lindfield arts festival . The organiser Araminta Lysle is having trouble bringing together the festival and her husband local tory twat MP Giles Cadogan- Lysle is not supporting her and moaning about the local fracking protestors . Aramint has a fight with him and goes of to the protest to support the cause of stopping it from happening , getting arrested and embarrassing Giles greatly . I played Linden Eyre local artist and daughter of  Lord and Lady Eyre . She was putting together a exhibition for the lindfield arts festival of how we are destroying the countryside , and struggling with a piece of work to be the centre piece of the exhibition . Her boyfriend Dylan is a strong minded activist  who is anti everything including the royal baby and royal baby plates . She is a activist but also quite a peaceful one and doesn't believe in hate . After rowing with Dylan she meets Aramina on the common who helps her see that she is not wrong in wanting to be peaceful and create a protest through her work . She breaks up with Dylan peacefully and Araminta reconciles with Giles as well for a happy ending . I loved Act 2 it was fun and up going , Linden was a joy to play as she was so laid back and easy going . I loved painting and fighting on stage and wearing lots of fake tattoo's and piercings
as well . It has inspired me to get a tattoo on my foot and wear lots more green things ! 

The Last of Eden

 I have been in a lot of shows over the years and below is a list of them all including characters I have played :

1.The Importance of Being Earnest - Lady Bracknells Pa
2 . loves Labours Lost - Katherine
3. The Secret Garden - Robin /Mrs Shaw
4. The Winters Tale - Mopsa / Lady
4. Robin Hood - Lady Lucy
5. The Alchemist - Ananias
6. - The Importance of Being Earnest - Cecily Cardew
7.A Midsummer Nights Dream - Helena
8.Julius Caesar - Portia / Tiffany Twinkle chav 
9. Winter Fairy Tales - Fire Bird & Various
10 . Hedda Gabler - Berta & Aunt Julia
11.Dr Faustus - Pride, Hostess , Student , Dragon , Housewife from Hell
12. Pygmalion - Clara Eynsford- Hill & Kate Middleton
13.Much Ado About Nothing - Co-directed and Ursula
14.Shakespeares Songs, scenes and Sonnets - read Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day , Maria in Twelfth Night & Helena in  A Midsummer Nights Dream
15. Winter Fairy Tales - Child, Fisherwoman , Princess Ruby and Elise .
16 .Tis Pity She's a Whore - Putana
17 . These Precious Hidden Things - Christiana Edmundson
18 . Last of Eden - Nurse Grace Graves / Linden Eyre .

So that is a lot .....Top 10 Characters include :

10 . Portia - Julius Caesar

9.Ursula / Sexton - Much Ado About Nothing

  Much Ado About Nothing 2013

8.Lady Lucy - Robin Hood

7. Cecily Cardew - The Importance of Being Earnest

6. Katherine - Loves Labours Lost  

5.Linden Eyre / Grace Graves - The Last of Eden

4.  Christina Edmunds - These Precious Hidden Things

3.Helena - A Midsummer Nights Dream
Quirky and crazy she was funny and a part  I have always wanted to play !

2. Putana - Tis Pity She's a Whore
I had a lot of fun with this part , she was outgoing , rue and funny . Also feisty and emotional at times . I felt as though it was a new challenge for me and bought myself out of me a bit more . I loved how rude she was , and her break down later on , screaming and shouting when being taken of to be tortured I thought would be a struggle but managed to bring it on every night . Although I cut my lip and my have elbowed others - sorry ! The costumes were so beautiful and I feel really helped make the play and bought the characters alive. I would love to play Putana again some day .

1. Mopsa - The Winters Tale
She is my number 1 character because she was 100% ridiculous ! Speaking and singing in a west country accent just brings a smile to my face when ever I think about it . Mopsa and Dorcas were one hell of a double act and I think working with Sarah just made those two characters shine and very memorable . I would love to do this play again and love to be Mopsa again as well !
The Winter's Tale 2012

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