Thursday 2 June 2016

Frankenstein , Faustus and Chicago

It has been a long while since I last wrote a blog post , really long but now I shall try and make an effort to post more often .

Recently I have had a theatre packed weekend seeing three shows within four days - quite the task and all were very different form each other .

The weekend kicked of with the final performance of the Royal Opera Houses Frankenstein . It was  a dark , sad and dramatic piece of dance with beautiful sequences and  very gothic scenery and costumes. The story goes ...

Victor Frankenstein is sent away to university, away from his family and his closest friend Elizabeth. Just before he leaves, his mother dies in childbirth. Distraught, Victor throws himself into his studies, learning obsessively all that he can from his Professor. Fuelled by his experiments and in a desperate hope to find a way to bring his mother back, Victor works furiously, and eventually succeeds in giving life to non-living matter – but, horrified at what he has done, Victor abandons his Creation.
Six years later, Victor returns home. The Creature follows him and, watching Victor with his family from afar, longs to be accepted and loved as one of them. On the day of Victor’s wedding to Elizabeth, the Creature draws closer, enraptured by Elizabeth’s beauty. Victor discovers the Creature, who, in his panic, kills Elizabeth. In his grief, Victor takes his own life, leaving the Creature once again alone and abandoned, cradling his creator.

I really enjoyed this ballet and felt it was strongly danced and the story translated well to dance . Act three was my favourite with the creature tormenting Victor in the wedding dance and eventually everything fell apart . I only wish they showed more of the creatures story , he was a great dancer and I feel personally I would have had a better understanding of the creatures character if this had been shown .

Next up on Saturday was Dr Faustus starring Kit Harrington and Jenna Russell.
It follows the story of Faustus as he sells his soul o the devil , a demon Mephostophilis is sent to keep him company through this time and keep him on the dark path before he eventually goes down to hell for all eternity .
I liked how the play was set in a modern setting with the addition of devil themed songs playing as we took our seats and in the interval . I enjoyed the opening of Act 2 when Jenna Russell has a mini karaoke session to some songs - it was hilarious ! I also liked the portrayal of the seven deadly sins using one actor and seeing his takes on them was interesting . Although bizarre the production and Kit Harrington worked quite well - and seeing Kit Harrington's bum made it even better.

The last show I saw was Chicago on Monday at the Hawth , a touring production it tells the story of two murderesses search for fame in the 1920's . I love this show and the film - it is one of my favourite musicals !  I love the simplicity of the show and the fact the band are on stage with the cast as well . John Partridge mad a hilarious Billy Flynn , Sam bailey a strong Mamma Morton and the Roxy and Velma stole the show . This is always a show I can watch over and over again !

More soon with Aladdin the show in Lodon this weekend , ad a film review of  Me Before you .


Sunday 28 September 2014

Summer 2014

So it has been a very busy Summer , I have been neglecting my blog for to long so have decided to do a two post special for this month . The last time I was on here I had just finished Brighton Fringe Festival and been on holiday or was just going on holiday to Barcelona . I shall firstly write about the shows I have seen and then in the next post about the latest play I have been in and my acting roles over previous years .

Shakespeare in love has now been adapted for the stage in London . I have been to see it twice since it opened once in previews with my friend Hannah and anther time with a group of friends as well due to our summer production being cancelled . It tells the story of how Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in a way and how he falls for a noble lady Violia D'lessips . She disguises herself as a man so she can act in Romeo and Juliet , but gets found out . In the end the character  of Sam who is supposed to play Juliet  voice cracks and Viola steps in to play Juliet . By this point she is married to the evil Lord Wessex and after the play sets sail for Virginia in America . Causing Shakespeare to begin writing Twelfth Night .

The show was brilliant , I loved every minute . I thought it was adapted so well and thought the costumes were beautiful . The use of sonnets being adapted into songs gave the piece a real period feel and sounded beautiful as songs . And the staging made you feel as if you were in a Elizabethan theatre . I would so go and see this again , possibly in the new year . Tom Bateman was a very sexy Shakespeare and bought good humour to the role ,David Oakes was glorious as Kit Marlowe and also pleasing on the eye and Lucy Briggs - Owen was a lively and vivacious Viola . Loved the dog and Abigail Mckern as the Nurse alongside Patrick Osborne as Wabash  and Paul Chahidi as Henslowe .

I have also seen a few Ballets recently including the little mermaid, A midsummer nights dream full and  a small section , the concert and Apollo. All of these ballets were beautiful , I think it truly is a art and brilliant skill . I loved the sea style tutu's in the little mermaid and the grace and finesse of a midsummer nights dresm . I have also seen sleeping beauty and the winters tale at the cinema which were also beautiful . The royal opera house is a very grand place and when I visit there I feel as though I'm another world away .

I went to see Amadeaus at the Chichester Festival theatre back In May . It starred Rupert Everett , Jessie Buckley and Joshua McGuire . Filled with humour and moments of strong emotion it was a powerful piece of theatre to watch also beautiful costumes I won't hasn't to add , in particular a beautiful Emerald coat with black beading worn by Rupert Everett I would like a lot !

Rock of Ages came on tour to Brighton , so I went with my younger sister to see it . It was very different from the film with brilliantly sung numbers and superb live music as well . I loved  how up beat the show was and how much I laughed as well, I would recommend seeing it if it comes your way . I also saw the Bodyguard before it closed in London with Alexandra Burke and Tristan Gemmll . It was very well adapted for the stage and very true to the film as well , the special effects were very clever at times watching the videos on stage felt as though it was very real . Alexandra Burke has a superb voice and the whole cast bought the show to life , it was very clever and the songs were beautifully sung by all .

Guys and Dolls was the last thing I saw again at Chichester Festival Theatre . It bought back all of the memories from when I performed in it a few years ago in Haywards Heath . It was a very up beat show to watch with some slick dance moves and lot's of testifying as well . Sophie Thompson as Miss Adelaide was my favourite character she has the comedy aspect of the role down to a tea . An Peter Polycarpou was very funny as Nathan Detroit as well . If the show goes to London , I would go and see it again !

Other shows coming up include : Tis Pity at the Sam Wannamaker play house , A comedy of Error's at the globe , the lion king , possibly a ballet and Forbidden Broadway and The women in Black as well . Ciao for now xxxx

Barefoot Players

So I realised today I have been acting with the theatre group The Barefoot Players for about 3 nearly 4 years now . Which is a very long time and in that time I have been involved in about 18 shows with them - which is a lot .

Our most recent production was performed on 14th September 2014 for the Lindfield Arts Festival . It was a original piece written by my friend Ellie called the Last of Eden . The first act took place in WW1 and told the story of how poet William Keating lost his sight in  a mustard gas attack and his relationship with fellow soldier Anthony Ryder . In a time where being gay was frowned upon it explored some strong issues and had some beautiful poems recited a well . I played Nurse Grace Graves in the Lindfield Red Cross hospital who helped William come to terms with his being blind and writing his poetry as well . Other characters included Mrs Hooper played by my friend Sarah the hospital Administrator, William Keating the blind poet  played by Morgan   and Anthony Ryder his  other half  played by Andy . It was a quite a tough character to play , she went form being happy to angry to empathetic , but I  think I did ok in the end . I loved the WW1 nurses costume especially the cape and feel as though everyone was strong in different ways .

Act 2 took place 100 years later in the Summer of 2014 at the Lindfield arts festival . The organiser Araminta Lysle is having trouble bringing together the festival and her husband local tory twat MP Giles Cadogan- Lysle is not supporting her and moaning about the local fracking protestors . Aramint has a fight with him and goes of to the protest to support the cause of stopping it from happening , getting arrested and embarrassing Giles greatly . I played Linden Eyre local artist and daughter of  Lord and Lady Eyre . She was putting together a exhibition for the lindfield arts festival of how we are destroying the countryside , and struggling with a piece of work to be the centre piece of the exhibition . Her boyfriend Dylan is a strong minded activist  who is anti everything including the royal baby and royal baby plates . She is a activist but also quite a peaceful one and doesn't believe in hate . After rowing with Dylan she meets Aramina on the common who helps her see that she is not wrong in wanting to be peaceful and create a protest through her work . She breaks up with Dylan peacefully and Araminta reconciles with Giles as well for a happy ending . I loved Act 2 it was fun and up going , Linden was a joy to play as she was so laid back and easy going . I loved painting and fighting on stage and wearing lots of fake tattoo's and piercings
as well . It has inspired me to get a tattoo on my foot and wear lots more green things ! 

The Last of Eden

 I have been in a lot of shows over the years and below is a list of them all including characters I have played :

1.The Importance of Being Earnest - Lady Bracknells Pa
2 . loves Labours Lost - Katherine
3. The Secret Garden - Robin /Mrs Shaw
4. The Winters Tale - Mopsa / Lady
4. Robin Hood - Lady Lucy
5. The Alchemist - Ananias
6. - The Importance of Being Earnest - Cecily Cardew
7.A Midsummer Nights Dream - Helena
8.Julius Caesar - Portia / Tiffany Twinkle chav 
9. Winter Fairy Tales - Fire Bird & Various
10 . Hedda Gabler - Berta & Aunt Julia
11.Dr Faustus - Pride, Hostess , Student , Dragon , Housewife from Hell
12. Pygmalion - Clara Eynsford- Hill & Kate Middleton
13.Much Ado About Nothing - Co-directed and Ursula
14.Shakespeares Songs, scenes and Sonnets - read Shall I Compare Thee to a Summers Day , Maria in Twelfth Night & Helena in  A Midsummer Nights Dream
15. Winter Fairy Tales - Child, Fisherwoman , Princess Ruby and Elise .
16 .Tis Pity She's a Whore - Putana
17 . These Precious Hidden Things - Christiana Edmundson
18 . Last of Eden - Nurse Grace Graves / Linden Eyre .

So that is a lot .....Top 10 Characters include :

10 . Portia - Julius Caesar

9.Ursula / Sexton - Much Ado About Nothing

  Much Ado About Nothing 2013

8.Lady Lucy - Robin Hood

7. Cecily Cardew - The Importance of Being Earnest

6. Katherine - Loves Labours Lost  

5.Linden Eyre / Grace Graves - The Last of Eden

4.  Christina Edmunds - These Precious Hidden Things

3.Helena - A Midsummer Nights Dream
Quirky and crazy she was funny and a part  I have always wanted to play !

2. Putana - Tis Pity She's a Whore
I had a lot of fun with this part , she was outgoing , rue and funny . Also feisty and emotional at times . I felt as though it was a new challenge for me and bought myself out of me a bit more . I loved how rude she was , and her break down later on , screaming and shouting when being taken of to be tortured I thought would be a struggle but managed to bring it on every night . Although I cut my lip and my have elbowed others - sorry ! The costumes were so beautiful and I feel really helped make the play and bought the characters alive. I would love to play Putana again some day .

1. Mopsa - The Winters Tale
She is my number 1 character because she was 100% ridiculous ! Speaking and singing in a west country accent just brings a smile to my face when ever I think about it . Mopsa and Dorcas were one hell of a double act and I think working with Sarah just made those two characters shine and very memorable . I would love to do this play again and love to be Mopsa again as well !
The Winter's Tale 2012